Jim and Susie Horne have served in Kenya for over 40 years. They raised their family there and began many different ministries that are still flourishing today. Their three children are now grown and have given them the added blessing of grandchildren.
In their early twenties, Jim and Susie responded to God’s call on their lives to reach unreached people in Kenya. They have done this through starting various ministries such as churches, a Bible Institute, primary schools (grades 1-8), feeding centers (with MANNA WORLDWIDE) and a medical clinic. Wells have been dug in many communities that were lacking water. Through God’s help, Jim and Susie have been profoundly instrumental in touching thousands of Kenyan lives!
Operation Give Hope was begun and now exists because of a burden to help poor children go to school to get a good Christian education that would lead them to Christ and ultimately change their lives in countless ways. Through hard work, dedication and financial backing from God’s people, Jim and Susie have been able to build good schools that Kenyans would not otherwise have had.
Thanks also to other compassionate people whom God has touched through involvement in the Hornes’ Kenya ministries, Operation Give Hope has now branched into more outreaches that target children such as Life Spring baby rescue center and Mercy’s Light crisis pregnancy center. The Hornes even feel there is a real need for a Christian High School. That project is still in the future but who knows what God will do?